The circuit riding preachers were totally dedicated and committed to their calling. It wasn't for praise of men (most of them were never known outside their circuit), it wasn't for money, (many times they were never paid), and it wasn't for praise from this world. It was because they, like Jeremiah, had a burning desire to spread the Word of God.
One circuit rider I heard about, couldn't afford a horse, so he set out on foot. He would walk as far as he could, spend the night on his bedroll or at someone's house, and start again the next day. God only knows how many are in the Kingdom because of his commitment.
Circuit riders had to contend with harsh conditions and sometimes, hard people. Many didn't want to hear the life changing message of God. You see, the Word of God and the salvation He brings is free for the asking, but living a life for Christ costs something. It cost some circuit riders their lives.
I am aware that all the traveling preachers were not Methodist, or Baptist. The Presbyterians traveled a little heavier but they, among others, were there. Someone has said, the Presbyterians brought their libraries with them. Maybe they were a little better educated.
I am very thankful for my heritage. I grew up in a Christian home, where I was taught the Bible, and for a short time, I got to hear my grandfather preach. As I sit here in my study, surrounded by my books, typing on a word processor, doing research on the Internet, and with modern technology all around me, I am reminded that all my grandfather had was a Bible, a good strong voice and most of all, the Spirit of the Living God.
When young men tell me they think God wants them to preach, and ask me how to know if it is God, many times I tell them to run as long as they can run. When they come to the place where they can't sleep, can't eat, can't breathe without preaching, then it's God calling. The next advice I give them is to get a good solid Biblical education. However the calling of God is more important than all the education in the world!
This past week, I had the exceedingly wonderful privilege of introducing my grandson, who is a recent graduate of BHS, to the dean of the BMA Seminary in Jacksonville. He sincerely believes God has called him into the ministry. This is an answer to many prayers! I know from experience, the ministry is not easy, but the joys far outweigh the heartaches! I am so blessed to have a son and now, a grandson in the ministry! Praise God!
Please pray for our circuit riders as we ride and witness for Jesus. See you on the road, and remember, watch for bikers!
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